2023 Greenwich Election Resources


Make Sure You're Registered to Vote in Greenwich

To participate in this year’s election, you must be registered to vote in Greenwich by October 31.


Not sure if you’re registered to vote in Greenwich?


Do you need to register to vote?

(You must register to vote by October 31)



  • You can also register to vote in person at Greenwich Town Hall between 8am-4pm weekdays.

  • To update a current voter registration, click the “Register to Vote” button above (after a few steps, you’ll see an option to update). 



Make Sure You Vote on Election Day!

Put that voter registration to work by getting to the polls on Election Day. Local elections have the greatest impact on the public schools our children attend, including how our schools are managed (by the BOE), budgeted (proposed by the BOE and prepared by the First Selectman) and funded (by the BET and RTM). Thus, as a public school parent, it’s important that you vote.



Historically, turnout among older voters (ages 65+) in local elections is significantly higher than that of voters in the primary age bracket of public school parents. This means that our local office holders are largely determined by citizens whose priorities may differ from those of parents with school-aged children.


Going to be out of town on November 7th?

We recommend going to Town Hall because you can apply for the absentee ballot (print and complete the application form ahead of time), receive the ballot and submit your completed ballot all in one trip. 


Alternatively, you can apply for an absentee ballot online if you have a CT driver's license. 


Once an absentee ballot is completed, you can mail it, drop it off at the Town Clerk's office, or deposit it in one of three secure ballot boxes. One is located at the Town Hall visitor parking lot, another is in the Town Hall lobby and the third is the Public Safety Complex.



Why This Year's Election Is Important to Riverside School



  • For more info about the Facilities Master Plan, see the district's webpage and Master Plan document. Please note that renderings in these documents are conceptual and may differ from actual results.
  • The Board of Ed (BOE) included funding for a feasibility study at Riverside in this year's capital budget, but it was not endorsed by the First Selectman and not supported by certain members of the BET.
  • If the BET does not approve funding for a feasibility study at Riverside in the upcoming budget cycle (for next year's budget), it's likely the BOE would have to wait another year to request the funding.
  • The BET must also approve the BOE's annual operating budget. The BET issues guidance around how much the budget can grow versus the prior year. If inflation and contractual salary increases outpace BET guidance, the district must make cuts elsewhere (e.g. staff reductions resulting in larger class sizes, etc).



Key Races That Impact Public Schools

There are a number of races in this year's election. These are the ones that can have a direct and significant impact on public schools.


Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET)

  • Generally considered the most powerful branch of town government.
  • Controls the town budget (including public schools – both operating expenses and capital improvements) and decides which capital projects get funded.
  • Determines the annual property tax rate (aka "mill rate").


Representative Town Meeting (RTM)

  • The Greenwich RTM has 230 delegates across 12 districts.  In District 5, there are 30 candidates running for 19 slots. This is a more competitive election than in recent years.
  • The RTM serves many roles in town, but perhaps its most notable is passing the annual town budget after it’s been approved by the BET.
  • While the RTM cannot increase the budget, it has the power to reduce or eliminate items such as school renovation/building projects. 
  • Thus, alignment between BET control and RTM representatives is important.
  • On the ballot, RTM candidates are not identified or grouped by political party. Thus, we recommend going to the polls with the list of candidates you support already in hand.




First Selectman

  • CEO of the town, supervises town departments including Fire, Police, Parks & Recreation, Parking, etc.
  • Responsible for submitting the annual town budget, but cedes control of what gets funded to the BET.
  • This race can impact the Board of Education (BOE), as the BOE chairperson often belongs to the same party as the First Selectman.
  • Republican Fred Camillo is the incumbent, and he is running against Democrat Laura Erickson.


Board of Education

  • Oversees Greenwich Public Schools, including hiring/retaining the Superintendent.
  • Comprised of eight elected members (4 Democrats + 4 Republicans) serving staggered four-year terms.
  • Prepares an annual schools operating & capital budget, both of which must be approved by the BET.
  • This year’s election appears to be uncontested, so the four elected individuals will be Karen Hirsh, Sophie Koven, Karen Kowalski and Wendi Vizzo Walsh.



Other Helpful Resources



Looking for a brief overview of local elections in Greenwich? Watch this 3-minute video from the League of Women Voters of Greenwich for a coherent explanation of local elections in Greenwich and how the election for the Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) works.



Connect with friends, neighbors, Riverside School parents and other trusted members of your community who have knowledge of or experience with Greenwich town government. They can help you determine which candidates best represent your values and priorities.




Useful source of information about the election and the candidates. Check voter registration status, register to vote and view candidate information by entering your home address and selecting a particular race.




The Greenwich chapter of a national non-partisan / non-political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. Check out their local election overview and join their mailing list.



Candidate Debates Hosted by LWV Greenwich:

Board of Selectmen (recording) – October 11th

Board of Education (recording) – October 12th

Board of Estimate & Taxation (recording) – October 18th


Local Publications:

Greenwich Time

Greenwich Free Press

Greenwich Sentinel


Local Political Parties:



This Year's Ballot:

District 5 ballot (with helpful notes about this year's BET & RTM races)


Past Election Results:

Since 2019

Before 2019



Please note that as a PTA, we do not recommend specific candidates.
Our mission is to provide resources to ensure that eligible voters within our parent community feel engaged & informed before heading to the polls.

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