Riverside School
Building Renovation Project
The Renovation Project Proposal ("Ed Specs")
is Now Available to View
The educational specifications, which serve as a roadmap for the renovation project, were presented to the BOE (40 mins) on January 16th, along with public comments (30 mins) from members of our school community. After some initial feedback and questions (35 mins), the BOE and will now thoroughly review and approve the ed specs at a later date. At a minimum, we encourage you to take a peek at:
Conceptual Design
A concept (pages 47-49) for how the proposed changes could be placed within the building, for the purposes of illustrating what is possible. Detailed design plans aren't created and finalized until the next phase of the project.
Possible Timeline
A schedule (page 80) used to develop the $45.5mm project cost estimate, which shows work on the building beginning as early as November 2026, if it is funded accordingly.
These ed specs provide solutions to the building's key issues, including:
Upgrades to accessibility, safety and security features that bring the building in compliance with prevailing laws/codes and in line with current standards.
An accompanying renovation and modernization of the building, while maintaining its historical charm where possible, that will make the investment in the building last for years to come.
An addition that brings certain grade-level classrooms up to current size standards, creates additional spaces for specialized instruction / student support / programming, and enlarges cafeteria, kitchen, health and administrative office spaces that are currently among the smallest in the district.
Work on the Building Can Happen in Just a Few Years
But We Need Your Help to Make That a Reality
Here's What You Can Do Now to Support the Renovation Project
1) Learn about the vision for our school building and how we can make it a reality
View the presentation slides from the January 9th Zoom info session. Please share them with friends and neighbors outside of the Riverside School parent community.
2) Email the First Selectman and the Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET)
Email Fred Camillo and the BET (including both in the same message) urging them to prioritize the Riverside renovation project and fund $2mm Design in the FY25-26 capital budget + $43.5mm Construction in the FY26-27 capital plan. See helpful tips for composing your brief message.
3) Attend the BET Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 28th
Attend the First Selectman Camillo & Superintendent Dr. Jones's budget presentations, followed by a public hearing on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:00pm (aim to arrive at 5/5:30pm) at Town Hall. Wear Riverside red to show your support. If you'd like to speak (3 minutes max) to share your thoughts on funding the project, you are encouraged to do so.
Questions? Email riversideschoolrenovation@gmail.com.
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, January 23
- Wednesday, January 29
- Thursday, January 30
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 13
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