Registration for Spring 2025 Noetic

Math Contest is Now Open




After a spectacular performance by our students in the Fall '24 NLMC, our next challenge is the Spring 2025 Noetic Learning Math Contest (NLMC) on Friday, April 4th, at 7:30am at Riverside School.  Register for free by Friday, March 7th at 8:00pm.


ALP Math and Science Teacher, Mrs. Carrie Hancock will lead a series of 6 preparatory sessions to sharpen their skills and build confidence ahead of the contest. For more information, visit the RIV Math Team Webpage.


Multicultural Week (March 17-21)

and World Map Project!



International Potluck: Share your culture through food! Contribute a dish to Multicultural Night on March 21st that represents your home country or region. Each dish will be displayed with a sign recognizing your family and the region it represents.


World Map Project: Complete this quick survey to help us create an in-school visual display of our community’s global connections. Share the cities or regions that represent your Riverside child’s heritage or hold special significance. We will close the survey February 21st (the map will go up in the school on March 3rd).


Save the Date: Math Marathon

February 24th – March 2nd



Math Marathon is a week-long celebration of the study of math in our school community. Special events will include a Virtual Family Math and Music Show on Wednesday, February 26th from 6:00-6:45pm hosted by nationally renowned math musician George Maurer as well as pencil and paper game boards (available for download in February) where students can earn a chance to win fun prizes!


Stay tuned for more information on the Math Marathon website in February. Mark your calendars and register here for the February 26th Virtual Math Magic Show!


Renovation Ed Specs Still Under Review &

Town Budget Process Now Underway




After the BOE has thoroughly reviewed and deliberated the ed specs presented on January 16th, it will take a vote (date TBD) to approve a final version that will solidify the scope of the project. We will keep parents informed with updates as they become available.



 The town's annual budget setting process has begun. The next key meeting is the BET Budget Committee decision meeting on March 4th from 9am-4pm, where the Budget Committee will take its first pass at the budget—voting to add, remove or amend certain items—before it goes to the full BET. You can livestream on GCTV’s YouTube channel



We were encouraged to see that First Selectman Camillo prioritized the Riverside renovation project in his proposed budget and capital plan. While the BET could make changes to this, Mr. Camillo's support was a necessary first step in getting this project funded.


Visit the renovation webpage for additional information.


Food Rescue Drivers Needed





Looking for a quick and easy way to give back to both Riverside School and the Greenwich community? Consider volunteering as a Food Rescue Driver!


We need parent volunteers to deliver donated food from the cafeteria to Barbara’s House (on Wednesdays) and the Greenwich Boys & Girls Club (on Fridays). You can sign up for a single slot or multiple driving days – whatever works best for you. Every contribution counts! 

Check Out the Riverside Reel

and Submit Your Photos



Relive moments and special events from this school year (and prior ones) on the Riverside Reel, the PTA's secure media share site featuring photos & videos from PTA events and programs at Riverside School.


Do you have photos from recent (or past) PTA events and programs? We encourage all parents to send them to any time! For information about accessing the site and submitting photos of your own (from recent or past PTA programs & events), please see the October 16th email from the PTA.


Purchase Riverside Apparel at

the Online Spirit Store



Visit the online apparel store and support Riverside School by showing your school spirit! Orders placed before Wednesday at 8:00am are sent home from school with your eldest Riverside student that afternoon (orders placed after then will be sent home the following Wednesday). Go Red Hawks!


Update Your Directory Info and

Join the Riverside PTA



Step 1: Update Directory Information. Follow the prompt at the top of this page to update your account information from last year (or create an account if you are a new family).


Step 2: Join the Riverside PTA. Gain access to the online family directory by joining the PTA. To deliver the PTA's array of events, programs and initiatives we rely on the generosity of Riverside families via our annual Membership Drive. While voluntary, we do aim for 100% participation in this drive.


Interested in the Early Morning Program?

Sign Up Now!



The Early Morning Program (EMP) at Riverside School is a before-school enrichment program that runs every Monday through Friday from 7:15-8:30am. It provides a fun, familiar place for Riverside students before the start of the school day.


See the Early Morning Program page for more details.

MyPage: Parent Dashboard

Create or update your login today and access MyPage, your personal dashboard to buy tickets, volunteer and much more!

Feedback & Comments!


 A suggestion or comment! 

Have you signed up for Safety Duty?

Help keep morning drop-off safe & efficient by helping children exit their vehicles in the front driveway from 8:30-8:45am daily.
Sign up for a shift today!