Invalid form.Spring Afters Registration
Opens March 12th at 7am!
Visit the Riverside PTA Afters page to view the full 2025 Spring Afters class schedule and descriptions and be sure to create a profile on Eleyo for each child you wish to register.
Registration opens Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00am and closes Thursday, March 20th.
STEM Fair Registration
is Now Open!
STEM Fair (happening April 8th & 9th) encourages students to use their Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math smarts to create a project they will share with the school and parents. All students from Grades K-5 are encouraged to participate!
Students can work individually or with friends/siblings in a group (maximum of 4 people). To register, go to My Page where you'll see a form for each child. Visit the STEM Fair page for more information, and don’t forget to sign up to volunteer.
Multicultural Night Tickets

Riverside's first-ever Multicultural Night is happening March 21st, from 6-8pm at Greenwich High School. Come support our incredibly talented students (and parents) who have been working hard to prepare a global showcase of cultures, foods, and performances.
Buy tickets to attend before they sell out.
Save the Date:
BET Public Hearing on March 26th at 7pm
We encourage all parents to attend the final public hearing of the current budget cycle, happening Wednesday, March 26th at 7pm in the Central Middle School auditorium. Come dressed in red to show you support.
Visit the renovation webpage for additional information.
Rainbow Week + International
Food Week is Coming Soon
From March 17-21, in alignment with the broader Greenwich Public School District, Riverside School will celebrate both International Week and Taste the Rainbow week.
During this time, the lunch menu will feature dishes from around the world, giving students a chance to explore new flavors and cultures. Plus, the school cafeteria will be highlighting a variety of fruits and vegetables, focusing on fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced ingredients. Stay tuned for more information!
Food Rescue Drivers Needed
Looking for a quick and easy way to give back to both Riverside School and the Greenwich community? Consider volunteering as a Food Rescue Driver!
We need parent volunteers to deliver donated food from the cafeteria to Barbara’s House (on Wednesdays) and the Greenwich Boys & Girls Club (on Fridays). You can sign up for a single slot or multiple driving days – whatever works best for you. Every contribution counts!
Check Out the Riverside Reel
and Submit Your Photos
Relive moments and special events from this school year (and prior ones) on the Riverside Reel, the PTA's secure media share site featuring photos & videos from PTA events and programs at Riverside School.
Do you have photos from recent (or past) PTA events and programs? We encourage all parents to send them to any time! For information about accessing the site and submitting photos of your own (from recent or past PTA programs & events), please see the October 16th email from the PTA.
Purchase Riverside Apparel at
the Online Spirit Store
Visit the online apparel store and support Riverside School by showing your school spirit! Orders placed before Wednesday at 8:00am are sent home from school with your eldest Riverside student that afternoon (orders placed after then will be sent home the following Wednesday). Go Red Hawks!
Update Your Directory Info and
Join the Riverside PTA
Step 1: Update Directory Information. Follow the prompt at the top of this page to update your account information from last year (or create an account if you are a new family).
Step 2: Join the Riverside PTA. Gain access to the online family directory by joining the PTA. To deliver the PTA's array of events, programs and initiatives we rely on the generosity of Riverside families via our annual Membership Drive. While voluntary, we do aim for 100% participation in this drive.
Interested in the Early Morning Program?
Sign Up Now!
The Early Morning Program (EMP) at Riverside School is a before-school enrichment program that runs every Monday through Friday from 7:15-8:30am. It provides a fun, familiar place for Riverside students before the start of the school day.
See the Early Morning Program page for more details.
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
View Full Calendar
2024-2025 District Calendar
MyPage: Parent Dashboard
Create or update your login today and access MyPage, your personal dashboard to buy tickets, volunteer and much more!
Have you signed up for Safety Duty?
Help keep morning drop-off safe & efficient by helping children exit their vehicles in the front driveway from 8:30-8:45am daily.
Sign up for a shift today!